Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Tired, bored, cranky..........

Another day closer to my vacation / hunting trip to montana. I cant wait. Only 6 more days to go. Almost everything is packed and ready to go. I still need to pack a few things and get my snacks and drinks reqady to go. But that'll have to wait till Sunday night before I do that.
But knowing my luck, The cold / flu I'm trying to come down with. Will kick in just as I am ready to go. So another trip that I'm sick during wont suprise me to much.
Pretty dam tired today too/ had to get up again at 3:30 a.m. to go to my one job. Then a two hour break, then I'm at my other job until 9:00 p.m. tonite. It makes for a long day, but the extra money is nice.
Is it just me. Or do all the stupidist people end up on cops??? And why do they always think they can get away from the cops, and or win a fight or argument...
just flat out dumbasses.......
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